Sunday 3 January 2016

African Archbishops Clash With American Archbishops Over Gay Marriage Support

African and Asian church leaders are threatening to stage a walk out from a crucial meeting chaired by the Archbishop of Canterbury unless American bishops drop their support for gay marriage, Daily Mail reports.
Archbishop Justin Welby last year invited the leaders of the worldwide Anglican Church to the
summit in Canterbury next week in a ‘make or break’ effort to avert a permanent split over homosexuality.
But insiders said a hardcore of eight to 12 conservative archbishops from Africa and Asia are preparing to quit the meeting on the first morning unless the liberal Americans ‘repent’ or the Archbishop throws them out.
Reports say Archbishops of Nigeria, Kenya and Uganda, were last week on the brink of snubbing the meeting altogether, but were persuaded to attend by colleagues still hoping to force concessions from Welby.
The row has torn the Church apart for a decade – with conservatives accusing liberals of abandoning the word of God by backing openly gay bishops and marriages for gay couples – and the Archbishop wants to broker a deal to allow both sides to co-exist peacefully.

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